Complete Online Workshop to Become a Certified Placenta Encapsulation Specialist
Course Description
Birth Beautifully's Placenta Encapsulation Specialist Training is a comprehensive placenta education combing the history of its multiple uses with modern day practices.
Course curriculum
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Birth Beautifully Placenta Encapsulation Coursebook
Module 1: Anatomy & Physiology
Module 1 Review
Module 2: Growing a Healthy Placenta
Module 2 Review
Module 3: Placenta & Umbilical Cord Abnormalities
Module 3 Review
Module 4: Third Stage of Labor
Module 5: Placenta Traditions
Module 6: Obtaining & Handling the Placenta
Module 7: Processing the Placenta
Module 8: Finishing the Process
Module 9: Business Guide
Effects of Human Maternal Placentophagy on Maternal Postpartum Iron Status- A Randomized, Double-Blind, Placebo-Controlled Pilot Study
The Effect of Maternal Ingestion of Desiccated Placenta Upon the Rate of Growth of Breast-fed Infants
Hormonal Changes in the Postpartum and Implications for Postpartum Depression
Placenta Medicine as a Galactogogue: Tradition or Trend?
Placenta as a Lactagogon
Placentophagia in Humans and Nonhuman Mammals: Causes and Consequences
Have we forgotten the significance of postpartum iron deficiency?
Role of Placenta in Nutrient Transfer
Iron Content of Intact Placentas and Cords
Human placenta processed for encapsulation contains modest concentrations of 14 trace minerals and elements
Presence and concentration of 17 hormones in human placenta processed for encapsulation and consumption
Human Maternal Placentophagy: A Survey of Self-Reported Motivations and Experiences Associated with Placenta Consumption
The Effect of the Ingestion of Desiccated Placenta on the Variations in the Composition of Human Milk During the First Eleven Days After Parturition
Deal in the womb- Fetal opiates, parent-offspring conflict, and the future of midwifery
Placentophagia: A Biobehavioral Enigma
Effects of Placentophagy on Serum Prolactin and Progesterone Concentrations in Rats After Parturition or Superovulation
Enhancement of Opioid Mediated Analgesia A Solution to the Enigma of Placentophagia
Amniotic Fluid Ingestion By Parturient Rats Enhances Pregnancy Mediated Analgesia
Placental Opioid Enhancing Facor POEF Generalizability of Effects
Recorded Live Demo
Recorded Line Demo (Part One)
Recorded Live Demo (Part Two)
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Beyond the Basics: A Masterclass for Placenta Encapsulation Specialists
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About Your Instructor
Certified Birth & Postpartum Doula, Lactation Counselor, Childbirth Educator and Placenta Encapsulation Specialist
Chris Herrera